Wireless charging vs wired charging

October 22, 2021

To plug or not to plug: The charging conundrum

Charging your phone is an essential part of daily life, and the method we all use to do so is either wired charging or wireless charging. However, some people still wonder which is better? Cord or cordless? Wired or wireless? In this blog, we will show you the pros and cons of both technologies, and hopefully, you'll find what works best for you.

Wired Charging

Wired charging, also known as "cord charging," has been around since forever. You plug one end of the charger into your phone, and the other end into an electrical outlet, and voila, your phone is charging. Wired charging is pretty simple and fast. However, it also has its downsides.


  • Wired charging is fast and efficient.
  • You can use your device while it's charging.
  • You don't need to be close to a charging pad or station.


  • Cords can get tangled and easily damaged.
  • You need to have access to an electrical outlet.
  • It can be annoying to unplug every time you need to use your phone.

Wireless Charging

Wireless charging, on the other hand, is a more modern technology. Instead of using cords or cables, you place your device on a charging pad or stand. The charger uses an electromagnetic field to transfer energy to your phone to charge its battery.


  • Wireless charging is convenient and easy.
  • No cords or cables to fuss with, making it hassle-free.
  • You can charge multiple devices at once.


  • Wireless charging is often slower than wired charging.
  • You cannot use your device while it's charging.
  • Charging pads and stands must be placed correctly to work correctly.

A side-by-side comparison: Wired vs. Wireless Charging

Here's a side-by-side comparison of wired and wireless charging:

Wired Charging Wireless Charging
Speed Fast charging Slower charging
Efficiency Efficient Less efficient
User Experience Hassle to use Hassle-free
Portability No Yes
Multitasking Yes No
Charger Compatibility Yes Limited

As you can see, each technology has its advantages and disadvantages. Wired charging is faster and efficient, but its portability is limited, while wireless charging is more convenient, but slower.

Ultimately, the choice between wireless and wired charging comes down to personal preference. If you need to charge your phone quickly and efficiently, wired charging is for you. But if you want a more convenient and hassle-free experience, wireless charging is the way to go.


Wireless and wired charging both have their strengths and weaknesses, and the answer to which one is better depends on your needs. Wired charging is still a more powerful technology, but wireless charging is more convenient. So, it's up to you whether you want a better, faster, and traditional way to charge your phone or a modern, trouble-free, and a touch of laziness way to do it.


  1. Sagar, G. (2021, September 01). Wired Charging Vs Wireless Charging: Which Is Better And Why? ezinearticles.
  2. Wireless charging vs. wired charging – what's better and why? (2021, May 27). WhistleOut.

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